Here is a Picassa Web album Knee mail day has passed and no grumbling we have been to two different churches for the past 4 days and we have basically completed the English classes. We are going to go back to the one church to help with the closing ceremony.
We have been relatively sickness free, a few with visiting el bano often and a handful of sour bellies but not a lot of really debilitating problems.
The Students have been exposed to a great example of what it is like in a different culture. We are hoping and praying that this time would be the impetus that many would develop a greater world view.
Hello From DR
We had an uneventful bus ride and flight and we made it with all of
our luggage. we had no problems getting our luggage thrpugh the check
in and it did not even cost us the listed cost of the check baggage.
The cost of the luggage saved was about $500 and was a nice answer to
prayer. We get to the airport here in Dr and eat some nice pizza
while some of the guys went to put the luggage at the hotel. Some of
us even had a swin at the pool and we are now waiting to go eat
Well it is soon
Good day to all of you and what a time to have problems being labeled a spammer.
Gmail does not like like it when someone opens an account and starts sending bulk mails out, I set this email address up and then got 2 groups setup; the DR team families and the Church Ministry staff. I sent a few testing emails to my self and then went to send to the 2 groups and Gmail blocked me as a spammer.
What a problem
I will also be using my own web page to host any pictures.
Hello All
I am sending this to get ready for our trip to Dominican Republic and I hope that all is well with you.
We will always be in need of prayer to our Father that we would look to see Him be glorified.
While I am at this, our trip finances are still at a lower level than we would like and if you can help support us finacically that would be great.
Keep Praying
Read James along with us
ll Because of ChristBrian