Perfessr's Brain
Studying a Culture and Puzzles
Studying a Culture and Puzzles
Here is a Picassa Web album Knee mail day has passed and no grumbling we have been to two different churches for the past 4 days and we have basically completed the English classes. We are going to go back to the one church to help with the closing ceremony.
We have been relatively sickness free, a few with visiting el bano often and a handful of sour bellies but not a lot of really debilitating problems.
The Students have been exposed to a great example of what it is like in a different culture. We are hoping and praying that this time would be the impetus that many would develop a greater world view.
Hello From DR
We had an uneventful bus ride and flight and we made it with all of
our luggage. we had no problems getting our luggage thrpugh the check
in and it did not even cost us the listed cost of the check baggage.
The cost of the luggage saved was about $500 and was a nice answer to
prayer. We get to the airport here in Dr and eat some nice pizza
while some of the guys went to put the luggage at the hotel. Some of
us even had a swin at the pool and we are now waiting to go eat
Well it is soon
Good day to all of you and what a time to have problems being labeled a spammer.
Gmail does not like like it when someone opens an account and starts sending bulk mails out, I set this email address up and then got 2 groups setup; the DR team families and the Church Ministry staff. I sent a few testing emails to my self and then went to send to the 2 groups and Gmail blocked me as a spammer.
What a problem
I will also be using my own web page to host any pictures.
Good day this is a test.
I hope it works
Hello All
I am sending this to get ready for our trip to Dominican Republic and I hope that all is well with you.
We will always be in need of prayer to our Father that we would look to see Him be glorified.
While I am at this, our trip finances are still at a lower level than we would like and if you can help support us finacically that would be great.
Keep Praying
Read James along with us
ll Because of ChristBrian
Star in the East or a Bit of Heaven
Just a Thought, but we all tend to think that some marvelous celestial line up happened or some great star went Nova over a tiny little town where the shepards of Jerusalem lived. If either of those things happened they would not have been stationary over that little burg. Due to the built in rotation by our fabulous Creator God any of those things happening would have rotated in a line about the earth at that latitude. The wise men reported Matt 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying,Matt 2:2 "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him."
But if according to the Bible, it says
Luke 2:8 ¶ In the same region there were {some} shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.Luke 2:9 And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened.Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people;Luke 2:11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.Luke 2:12 "This {will be} a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."Luke 2:13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."
Think outside of the box for a little bit.
What would happen if God had chosen to send a multitude of heavenly host to this spot, Were not the Host or Angelic beings described in the Bible as glowing brightly????
So God sends this little piece of Heaven to announce His Son and What would those multitude of Heavenly Host look like to some Wiseguys in the East..... Maybe a Star.
This sending by God of His heavenly host would not rotate babout the earth like a nove or some special grouping of planets, but show itself directly above that little burg Bethlehem.
Twern't a Star but was a little bit o Heaven.
God Bless and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Well I have just about finished rebuilding my Gateway handbook and have been stalled at the Memory module, I have ordered a 16 meg simm for it from a**4*em*** and it has not come. I have it running Win 95a and Microsoft Word and XL, with my Quickverse New American Standard Bible. It runs fairly decent with the AC power and has a run time of about 2 hours on 4 AA Nimh batteries.
It has been fun and I wish that the big makers would make an affordable small Book sized computer that has a good sound system, plenty of storage, ability to access USB and other "flash" type cards. Have it run a minimum load of XP and then all it would need is to add what programs you want. Leave off the camera and other excess junk. Oh and make it run on 4 or 6 AA batteries with an add on of say 4 C bateries.
Gateway Handbook
Gateway Handbook circa 1994 and now.
Why Won't the Big laptop companies build something worth while and easy for carrying.
Wow, Computers are such a Black Hole for my time. Think way back, dredge up the memory modules and put yourself around 1993 or 94... Got it yet, Win95 was a beta being passed around the warez Bullitin Boards and the Web was a thing of dreams. I was running a Cardinal Technologies PC-10 an Integrated computer, it was a nice little unit similar to a IBM PS2, 486SX-16 with 8 meg of ram and a 20mb harddrive. Well at that time Gateway was selling, what I thought, a cool little machine called the Handbook. It orginally came out as a "286" with 4 meg of RAM and a 20 meg HD. But then they came out with a 486 version which I lusted after. lots of info about the Handbook can be found here;
Well thru the luxuries of Ebay I finally ended up with one. Well I actually have 2 but I am using the faster dx40 and letting the sx25 sit. I have just about gone thru the whole rigamarole that many on The web have gone thru, changing the HD for a 512 Compact Flash card, ripping apart an existing battery pack and rebuilding it into a AA pack for 4 NIMH batteries and finding a 16 Meg Ram chip to put in it. I can now run win 95 and sit with it on my lap for about 2 hours of taking notes and reading QuickBible NASB,
WWW.Lockman.Org, before a set of 4 AA NIMH runs out. This computer make for a lot of good sense, and I wish that the Big makers would come up with a similar one with today's technology in it. It would make great sense if Dell or some other company made one of these with a good 800x600 color screen, a built in WIFI, and a PC card slot or one for the newer flash memory cards like SD. If these could be built with a little slower technology that would not require an internal fan they could be sold to students and families for around $250 to $400. Look what kids (and parents) are willing to spend for an iPod...
<<< I almost got this off of Ebay but it went above my limit by $1, Dang it. It is a 6 AA battery pack for a Handbook. The biggest problem with a Handbook is the batteries are upwards of $50 and the charger/power supply is almost as big as the handbook itself.
Well I have been having a lot of fun with this and while it is older tech, it will do the job I want for it.
Old Guy with a great wife and 4 great kids, not enough toys and never enough time....